
Aimpoint is the recognised worldwide leader and innovator of red dot sighting technology. For over 40 years, they have been working closely with experienced hunters and marksmen as well as professional users around the world. If you’re shooting in tough conditions like rough terrain, foul weather, or poor light, even the best shooters can feel challenged. It’s been proven that a red dot sight is the fastest way to line up your target and give you the highest hit probability on moving targets.
With an Aimpoint sight, you never have to worry about centering the dot inside the sight. Once you see the dot on your target, you’re ready to shoot. Other red dot sights with parallax can cause you to miss your target by as much as 30cm over a distance of only 45 metres. That can mean the difference between a clean kill and irresponsibly wounding an animal or missing it entirely.
Aimpoint red dot sights give you the confidence you need when aiming and allow you to remain on target and shoot with both eyes open. If you are a sports shooter in a competition, fractions of a second count and quick target acquisition is essential. Whether you use a rifle, shotgun or pistol, there’s an Aimpoint sight for you.

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